2019 PriSim Business War Games Competition

The 7th Annual MEMPC PriSim Business War Games Competition kicks off the first week of February, 2019.

During this five-week online competition, cross-university teams from 6 of the MEMPC schools, including Dartmouth, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Purdue, and USC, will participate in a business simulation where they will function as a management team running an auto manufacturing company.

The Competition begins the first week of February and wraps-up February 27, 2019, when PriSim and the MEMPC will announce the winners.

We wish all the competitors the best of luck. May the best team win!

Engineering Management graduate talks about her MEM experience

Here is Duke MEM alum, Marcella M. Nehrbass talking about why she chose Engineering Management and how it has helped her in her career.


Learning about an MEM degree, which is a perfect fit for a lot of engineering students, shouldn’t be a matter of luck and chance. That is one of the reasons why MEMPC was created!

PriSim Business War Games Competition

The 5th Annual MEMPC PriSim Business War Games Competition kicks off the first week of February, 2017.

During the five-week, online competition, cross-university teams from 8 top engineering schools, including Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, Tufts, and USC will participate in a business simulation where they will function as a management team running an auto manufacturing company.

The Competition begins the first week of February and wraps-up Thursday, March 2, 2017, when PriSim and the MEMPC will score the competition.

Winners will be announced on Friday, March 3.


Within our survey, we asked schools what courses they offer in an attempt to determine a pattern – and now we’re ready to share our results.
As expected, the programs have a focus on management and the top three courses in the survey were: project management (100%), engineering management (80%) and operations management (65%).
What is surprising, however, is the group of courses that made it to the bottom of the list.

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The annual salary for someone with the job title Engineering Manager may vary depending on a number of factors including industry, company size, location, years of experience and level of education. Our team of Certified Compensation Professionals has analyzed survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at companies of all sizes and industries to present this range of annual salaries for people with the job title Engineering Manager in the United States.

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